New Partners

gainesville appsWe’ve partnered up with PWH Tech Solutions – one of Gainesville’s premier IT companies – to build some great new apps and web programs. We wish we could tell you all about it but things are pretty hush-hush right now. Suffice it to say that these are huge projects that will benefit people and businesses alike. We’re investing mountains of time and energy into building what will hopefully become successful apps.  Nothing in guaranteed in the app world though – in many ways it is more difficult to make a successful app than it is to build a brick and mortar business. It may be ‘cheaper’ to make but there is so much competition out there that nothing is for certain. The same rules apply for apps, web programs, really any online business – as for traditional businesses, it takes hard work, promotion, all of those things that make a business work are also in play when you’re dealing with the web. There’s no shortcut unfortunately.

Anyway, we’ve got some new partners, and we’re stoked. Looking forward to years of happy web design and app building with PWH!

Better Than Notepad: Notepad ++

We love this little program. It’s a replacement for Notepad called Notepad++. It’s like notepad on steroids. Lots of  new, useful functions – essentially, everything Microsoft neglected to put into their product,; open source, once again, has provided a better alternative. Easy find/replace functions, even in files so

Maintaining The Correct Keyword Density

Keyword density, by definition, is the number of times, expressed in a percentage, that a particular keyphrase or keyword appears in a body of text. So if your keyword appears 4 times and the number of words on the page is 200 then your keyword density is 2%.

Our New Look

Take a peak at our main website’s new look! We’re proud to present a brand new layout and style for Livewire Web Design. We work hard on your websites, so we took a few days to upgrade ours – we added a new optimization center that gives prices

Updating WordPress Database After Website Move

Boy life sure would be easy if WordPress used relative URL’s throughout the menu and post content but that simply isn’t going to happen, they’ve made that clear. Changing the URL in the admin Settings would then be all you need to do, making moving installations a breeze.

Responsive Design and Why it is important for your Small Business Website

Responsive design provides users with quick seamless access to the same content regardless if they are using a smartphone, a tablet, or a laptop/desktop. “Web Design is responsive design, Responsive Wed Design is web design, done right.” – Andy Clarke A responsive design website responds to the device

Learning how to code?

We get questions all the time about how we started doing all this. Where did we learn to code? How on earth does any of that make sense? Some people are interested in learning for themselves. It’s easy to get started, especially in this day and age. Back