Five Frequent SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them.

Five Frequent SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them.

A few simple missteps can derail all the hours of toil, not to mention money, put into your SEO efforts. Here are five common SEO mistakes and how to rectify them. 

Keywords Should Match Content.

Google wants its customers to receive the most relevant content for every search. If your content is different than user searches, your SERP results will suffer.

Not Going Mobile.

 If your site is not optimized for mobile devices, it will lead to a multitude of unwanted issues. When a customer has to zoom in on content to read it with their smartphone, it will not be a positive user experience. A user is likely to bounce when they encounter a site not optimized for digital devices. 

Using Other Site’s Content.

Using someone’s content and then trying to pass it off as your own no longer works. You will get thrown in Google jail. Plagiarism will destroy your SEO efforts. When writing content, don’t steal another writer’s work.

Security Issues.

With an abundance of hackers around today, security matters in search engine rankings. Search engines will lower your SERP ranking or blacklist it if you don’t use SSL. Also, some browsers will indicate your website is not secure when visited by a user,  leaving a negative impression. 

Meta = More.

If you are not using meta-descriptions to optimize your content, then your website is at a disadvantage. Meta descriptions are a concise summary of your website. Search engines don’t put sites without a description at the top of a search results page. This problem is easily fixable by adding a short description of the site with keywords which relate to your site. The keywords should be relevant and don’t seem like your business is spamming. Make sure that a user can read it and comprehend what your site is in about the time it would take to describe it in an elevator. Your meta-description should leave no doubt what your company’s website is all about.

Following these suggestions will help your SEO campaign.

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Northwest Seafood got hacked unfortunately. Being previous clients of ours we came to the rescue. The site was damaged beyond repair so our team of

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