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Domain names other than .com a good idea?

Top Level Domains (TLDs), which are suffixes, are the final part of URLs. Although.com is well-known, there are more than 1,000 TLD choices available; however, not all of them are open to the general public. Prior to TLDs, IP addresses were used to visit websites, however this proved to be inconvenient. To solve this problem, the Domain Name System (DNS), which enables users to connect to websites using names that are simple to remember, was first created in 1985.

TLDs such as.com,.org,.edu, and.net were introduced that year. These TLDs are still widely used today. TLDs and associated databases are managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). TLDs have become more accessible throughout time, increasing the number of domain registration possibilities. Using a.com domain has psychological advantages even when there are no technical advantages. People are more likely to trust.com and perceive it as authoritative and memorable. The supply of.com names is, however, constrained due to their popularity.

Thankfully, trustworthy alternatives to.com exist in the form of.io,.co,.net,.blog,.shop, and country code TLDs. When selecting a domain name, it is crucial to keep things like branding, social media consistency, and avoiding keyword stuffing in mind. Each alternative TLD offers chances for certain uses and geographic targets, and each has special benefits and costing schemes. The TLD selected will ultimately rely on the website’s objectives and its availability.


You can take a look at Godaddy’s extensive list of alternate TLDs here.

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