Even More Internet Marketing Success

We’ve been working with attorneys all over town. None more than Fisher, Butts, Sechrest and Warner. They’re great folks located over in Haile. They have a successful law firm and are enjoying much success online. When we met, they were basically nowhere online … maybe somewhere back on page 20 or 30, but that’s about it. It took quite a while but we’ve managed to build their online presence to a level where they enjoy a top position for major personal injury attorney keywords – and let us tell you, competition among these firms is fierce.

For keywords like “gainesville injury lawyer” and “gainesville accident lawyer” we’ve been able to put them into top spots. This means we’ve topped nearly every other SEO company in town on one of the most competitive keywords in the entire industry.

attorney optimization


We love it. And we hope everyone does. Our approach to Gainesville Internet Marketing it proven, and untouchable. We have what it takes to put your website on page 1.

ADA Compliance

ADA compliance refers to the compliance of websites with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a federal law in the United States that requires businesses and organizations to make their goods and services accessible to people with disabilities. In the context of websites, this means ensuring that individuals with

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What’s New For 2015

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How Your Company Can Benefit from SEO Analysis.

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