What’s New: Livewire Seminars

Want to become your own SEO specialist? Need to know how to put your site on page 1 but don’t have the capital to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars in optimization?

We can help!

Our Search Engine Optimization Seminars will teach you how to become your own pro. Nothing about optimizing your website is too difficult even for the novice user. We explain it all for you, give you the right tools to do the job the way it is supposed to be done. Just like with anything else worth doing in this world, you have to put your heart into it to be successful, but optimization is not as mysterious as you might think. Join us for a few hours and learn all the lessons that we’ve learned optimizing successfully for over 5 years.

What we’ll cover.

  • Proper site setup
  • Building your online presence the right way
  • Writing good content
  • Links
  • What NOT to do
  • and Common Scams

When you leave, believe us, you’ll be informed and ready to take on the online world.

We also provide you with continuing support. You can talk to us anytime if you’re unsure about something and/or need some guidance.

Call us at 352.672.7092 or email us at web@blog.livewire.team if you want to get signed up.