Gainesville Website Design: Mobile Websites

Mobile sites are a great way to tap into a new resource for many businesses. More and more people are using their phones as their primary device for Internet access. Phones are more computers than they are phones these days. A mobile website is a lightweight version of your current website that is designed specifically to fit the various screens and resolutions of mobile devices.

Mobile websites need to be fast, completely optimized and easily accessible by mobile users. There are literally dozens of mobile devices out there so the challenge is unique when attempting to build a cross-platform design that will display correctly on each type of phone, tablet, or whatever mobile device people are using.

Mobile browsers outnumber traditional browsers (as in people) by 3 to 1. So to potential speaks for itself.

If you were wondering, the answer is yes, we build mobile websites. We do a great job too. Pat pat pat. Something interesting with our mobile websites is our custom redirection script. This script is installed on your current website and will detect if a user is accessing your website through a mobile device. If they are, the user is automatically redirected to the mobile website. Bingo bango.

New Mobile SIte

Head on over to livewiregeeks on your mobile device It’s our new mobile site based on Chalis iwebapp – a powerful framework that works well across

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