New apps coming down the pipe

We have 6 new apps coming out over the next few months. Very excited to roll these out – unfortunately we can’t give you too many details but we have a couple apps geared toward attorneys and the legal industry, one that deals with product shipping and another that connects businesses with first time customers in a brand new way.

We have high hopes but we know this industry. Making a hit app is one-in-a-million… literally. All we really want to do is carve out a nice niche and give as many people as we can a high quality useful product. We’re not looking for the next facebook, twitter or even the next Angry Birds – app building is not about that, it’s about making something of quality that a segment of an industry will find useful. We go into it with ROI on the mind, not dollar signs in our eyes. Development takes time, sometimes, a long time, but it’s worth it.

Project Gutenburg

Every heard of it? If not, make sure to check it out. They have tons of books online, free for anybody. Our favorite? A Connecticut

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CSS Evolution

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS revolutionized the way the web was/is written. The next evolution has been the roll out of CSS3. With all kinds

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