Our New Look

Take a peak at our main website’s new look!

We’re proud to present a brand new layout and style for Livewire Web Design. We work hard on your websites, so we took a few days to upgrade ours – we added a new optimization center that gives prices and information about our SEO gainesville web marketing.  Forms have been upgraded and there is a great new front page. Our portfolio is the same but with a new design and we’ve tweak some of the other pages.

Glad to be done. Now we can get back to doing what we really love – making our clients happy!


Lots of new fun with CSS3. CSS makes styling web pages a snap. Now CSS3, the third “version”,  allows for incredibly robust styling possible. For instance, background gradients are a breeze when before developers had to create them as images or use CSS ‘hacks’ to accomplish those goals.

Getting Accurate Shipping Rates

If you own an ecommerce store and provide real time shipping rates you have likely encountered a long list of issues with returning accurate rates. If you have not, Bravo good sir or madam! You are the exception. Having real-time shipping rates on your online store is a

Why are most government websites so terrible?

The recent debacle with the Affordable Care Act has made headlines but those of us in the development world are just seeing more of the same old thing. Government websites stink! Why is that? I can assure you that their cost structure is very similar to the outrageous

CSS Evolution

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS revolutionized the way the web was/is written. The next evolution has been the roll out of CSS3. With all kinds of new tricks, CSS3 promises to take web programming to the next level … and beyond. We generally hand code all of our

Haile’s Angels Pet Rescue has a New Website

Customized WP theme – a great choice for a great organization. Haile’s Angels continues to do some great work in our community focusing on our four legged friends. They take in a good number of pets each month and try to find them forever homes. As a no-kill