Photography Services

At Livewire we have not had photography services in the past, leaving it up to clients to procure their own services for website pictures. Over time, this has become an inconvenience. Mainly, waiting for images holds up the design process.

We are so glad we found Kimber Greenwood at Waterbear Photography. She has been a blessing: cost conscious and exceptional product make a winning combination. Her work is second to none and we have been thrilled with the results.  Photos come back to us in just a few days and not once have we had to order a reshoot. It is difficult to find photography services that are affordable and high qualtiy but Waterbear brings it home.

The new photography services mix well with our new branding and marketing services … check out the next Gainesville Web Design blog post for that info.

HotOpponents Hack

We have seen this one a few times coming from WordPress but we have also seen it in Google Analytics code or simply in a

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