Pretty Awesome Image Packages

Nowadays, it’s just best to buy your images. As Gainesville Web Design experts, we purchase them almost on a daily basis. There are always projects that require different photos, icons or footage. Generally people purchase credits and then use those to buy images – kind of like an arcade, and seemingly archaic way to charge me more per image. I mean, just come out with it, they’re expensive.

Dreamstime does have subscription packages available. This is a useful resource if you are in need of a large number of images. When a single image might average $7 (up to $30 for nice ones) the subscription package knocks that down to about $0.31 per image. The trick, it’s about $240 so it is quite the investment.

Paying the per image price about 35 times would net you 35 images for the same price as the package, where you get 750, so the savings are significant. Again, significant if you’re in the market for a ton of images, which most people aren’t. Still, these are pretty awesome prices for those of us that do.

Review: Google Chrome – StayFocusd ★★★★★

We. Love. This. Chrome extension. Warning: It’s brutal. Stayfocusd is essentially a task manager, not as in manage what task is next, but keeps you focused on your tasks at hand. It blocks websites that waste your time and keep you distracted through a time limit feature. You

Using Red In Website Design

A key component of website design is color, and many designers choose the color red in particular. Red is a passionate, vivid color that may elicit strong feelings and emotions, making it a fantastic choice for designing a strong, compelling website. These are several justifications on why red

Answerhub versus WordPress

Recently we worked on a project with intent to use AnswerHub as the primary vehicle for user interaction. After spending some time in AnswerHub’s admin we discovered that they don’t provide anything that you cannot accomplish with easy under the WordPress hood. While AH supplies you with a

ADA Compliance

ADA compliance refers to the compliance of websites with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a federal law in the United States that requires businesses and organizations to make their goods and services accessible to people with disabilities. In the context of websites, this means ensuring that individuals with

Our New Look

Take a peak at our main website’s new look! We’re proud to present a brand new layout and style for Livewire Web Design. We work hard on your websites, so we took a few days to upgrade ours – we added a new optimization center that gives prices

Learning how to code?

We get questions all the time about how we started doing all this. Where did we learn to code? How on earth does any of that make sense? Some people are interested in learning for themselves. It’s easy to get started, especially in this day and age. Back