Woocommerce Products Per Page

Interestingly Woocommerce does not seem to have a default setting for ‘products per page’. Unsurprisingly, there’s a simple workaround.

Add to your functions.php

Replace “28” with whatever number you want.

add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', create_function( '$cols', 'return 28;' ), 20 );

Maintaining Correct Site Structure

One of the biggest holes in a client’s SEO (pre livewire SEO, that is) is almost always the site structure. So many SEO companies focus on content and backlinks that quality code is often overlooked. There are many cases where we have come into the tail end of

An Accessibility Mindset

How often do you receive this response when inquiring about making a website more accessible? We wish we could devote more resources to it, but at the moment we just don’t know enough to get started. The value and necessity of making websites accessible are generally recognized. Almost

Are You Using Linkedin Like You Should?

Probably not. Linkedin is a valuable resource for any professional, but particularly freelancers and business owners. There is a lot to love about the social media construct, and a lot to hate; but no matter what side of the coin you fall on it is no secret that you

Eat More Protien

Meat in your website diet is needed – you’re probably in optimization atrophy … What is meat for your website? Content. Your site need fresh content added to it on a regular basis. Good content. Compelling content. But most of all, it need to be original content. That means

Howe Development Has a New Website

Website is complete on Howe Development. Now for phase 2 – integrating a simply, custom CMS so they can update content on parts of the site. No need for wordpress – we can easily do a custom solution for those cases where a client only needs to control

Using Warning Lights or Guages

A good article on fox-business about whether your business uses warning lights or gauges to understand how your business is growing. The proper answer should be: gauges. A light is just either on or off, a gauge gives you much more information about where your business is headed,