Matt Birk has a new website

This is responsive website with layout originally conceived by HTML5. Clean and simple, it is just what the doctor, er, lawyer ordered.

Matt needed something up quick, but didn’t have to sacrifice quality. WIthin 2 days we had a simple design up that he can be proud of. Because it’s responsive, it will display correctly on all mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones. Simple and effective and Matt needed something affordable. We strive to do everything we can for each client, no matter what they’re budget. You can still get killer web design and support.


WordPress: Capturing Post Author Meta

An easy one here from your local Gainesville Web Designer: How to retreive the author information from a post in the WordPress loop. This assumes you’re in the loop, of course. $meta_field= get_the_author_meta( ‘your_meta’ );   Badda-bing badda-boom. You’re done. It really is that simple. Just use get_the_author_meta,

An Accessibility Mindset

How often do you receive this response when inquiring about making a website more accessible? We wish we could devote more resources to it, but at the moment we just don’t know enough to get started. The value and necessity of making websites accessible are generally recognized. Almost

Date for our next Seminar is 4/8

Livewire Seminars are the perfect way to collect everything you need to know to do your own website optimization. We have what it takes to put your site on page 1 and we’ll teach you all of the not-so-secret info. Where to go, what to do, and how

Page Speed Insights

The importance of page load speeds for website performance cannot be emphasized in the current digital environment. A website’s loading speed can make or break its success in today’s fast-paced world when people expect rapid access to information and flawless online experiences. The following are some major justifications

Database Projects

We are database junkies. Simply put, you can’t beet the flexibility and scalability that databases offer us in the web design world. We prefer using MySQL which is the most common database for web projects. It integrates with PHP perfectly and together there is simply nothing more powerful.


Back in the day a simple website could get away with an on-page sitemap. Just a simple list of pages somewhere on the site. Not so much anymore. Sitemaps – at least the ones we intend for search engines to look at – are all internal. We use