Offline linking

This is a profound point. A lot of linking takes place offline. Sounds weird but many great links sprout from the personal relationships you make as a business. Noteworthy links can be found at your local chamber of commerce just like any Hotfrog or elocal directory site.

“This is definitely the most commonly overlooked SEO tactic of them all. Just because the “nuts and bolts” of SEO are all digital, it doesn’t mean that it’s an entirely digital discipline.

One of the most effective SEO strategies out there is the building and cultivation of human relationships. Yep, that means getting out of the office and talking to people.

Some of the most valuable links, PR opportunities, and ideas I’ve ever come across have come from real world human relationships with people I’ve met in a face-to-face setting. Go and find out what’s working for other people.

Network with key influencers and peers. If you do this regularly, I guarantee you will uncover opportunities and insights that will help you avoid any plateau in performance.”



WordPress Experts: Getting Slug by Single_Cat_Title

An interesting problem that I came across in a recent project. The client needed a custom post taxonomy set to a gallery of choices on a featured section of their website. First we needed to add custom post types and category images plugins. Iterating through the taxonomy was

reducing cumulative layout shift (CLS)

Reducing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

NEED HELP REDUCING CLS? Enter Your Website Below For Personal Recommendations:   Fill out my online form. In the fast-evolving landscape of web design, one metric that has gained significant attention among developers and SEO experts alike is the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Since it directly affects user

Linking Your G+ Page To Your Website

We always get asked: Does anyone use G+? Yes. Is it worth it? Again, Yes. Using Google’s products would obviously help your standing with their search algorithm. We don’t know this to be technically true but it certainly seems so in our experience. The more you use and

The Brief Business Guide To Instagram

Instagram is a misunderstood product for most business owners. Isn’t facebook enough? No. Unfortunately you must not only adapt to the changing social media platforms but you have to keep adapting to all the various forms of networkings online. For some it’s fun, for others it’s a necessary

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PHP Is Still King

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a popular server-side scripting language for building websites. Around 70% of all websites online today use PHP, a computer language that was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. Since it is available for everyone to use and alter, PHP is known as an open-source

Maintaining The Correct Keyword Density

Keyword density, by definition, is the number of times, expressed in a percentage, that a particular keyphrase or keyword appears in a body of text. So if your keyword appears 4 times and the number of words on the page is 200 then your keyword density is 2%.