Offline linking

This is a profound point. A lot of linking takes place offline. Sounds weird but many great links sprout from the personal relationships you make as a business. Noteworthy links can be found at your local chamber of commerce just like any Hotfrog or elocal directory site.

“This is definitely the most commonly overlooked SEO tactic of them all. Just because the “nuts and bolts” of SEO are all digital, it doesn’t mean that it’s an entirely digital discipline.

One of the most effective SEO strategies out there is the building and cultivation of human relationships. Yep, that means getting out of the office and talking to people.

Some of the most valuable links, PR opportunities, and ideas I’ve ever come across have come from real world human relationships with people I’ve met in a face-to-face setting. Go and find out what’s working for other people.

Network with key influencers and peers. If you do this regularly, I guarantee you will uncover opportunities and insights that will help you avoid any plateau in performance.”



What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem ipsum is simply Latin text. Gobbledygook, essentially. Well, not really; It does have its roots in latin text from just before the BC to

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