Facebook Dings Developers

In the ever growing app community, Facebook is putting the screws to developers looking to use their vast resources to build their apps. Really, they’re just looking for a little “reciprocity”. But come on, how much do you need? You already own and operate the largest website in the world. Do you really need more street cred? more visibility?

On one hand it can be argued that Facebook is merely following industry trends; other social networks like Twitter have also banned apps that mimic their core functionality.

Facebook is targeting a small group of apps “that are using Facebook to either replicate our functionality or bootstrap their growth in a way that creates little value for people on Facebook, such as not providing users an easy way to share back to Facebook,” wrote Justin Osofsky on the company’s developers blog.


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Using Google URL Shortener

It really could not be easier. Google’s URL shortener is certainly the best one out there. https://goo.gl/ Our latest rollout, InfoGopher, uses this extensively. Our

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