Gainesville Web Development

Gainesville Web Development
Gainesville Web Development

What a market. Gainesville has it all, especially its share of web developers. With new blood coming into the market – funnelled into and out of Gainesville via the University – our little town has an abundance of web developers looking to make a name for themselves. And we wish them all the best of luck. The primary thing to do is start differentiating yourself. It’s not just about being able to program, that’s easy. You need to have a mind in business to understand the needs of your clients and especially to exceed them.

It’s all about value. What your clients want is the same thing you want in  your day to day purchases and goings on. Value. You might be proficient in 6 different programming languages but if you can’t translate that into something valuable for your customer, you’re done before you even got started. It’s more than building a program … it’s building a program for Sue, or John or Dave. You have to take into account, first and foremost, who you are programming for.

It matters if your client is computer savvy or not. As a Gainesville Web Developer it matters how intuitive your program is – to your client, not to you. There’s a vast chasm that separates your knowledge from many of your clients – in a web development sense – heck, if they knew how to do it they probably wouldn’t need you in the first place. The crux of it all is that you’re working with people, not programs. Take it from us, program for the people.

Woocommerce Products Per Page

Interestingly Woocommerce does not seem to have a default setting for ‘products per page’. Unsurprisingly, there’s a simple workaround. Add to your functions.php Replace “28” with whatever number you want. add_filter( ‘loop_shop_per_page’, create_function( ‘$cols’, ‘return 28;’ ), 20 );

Phase 2 of Little Diamond Models is Complete

Phew! It took about 4 months of hard work but we finally finished phase 2 of one of our favorite client’s websites: Little Diamond Models. This is a huge website with a ton of great features. We started this project not even a year ago and it already

Javascript functions, variables, objects

How JavaScript Enhances Modern Web Design and User Experience

JavaScript has transformed web design, making websites more interactive, dynamic, and user-friendly. Whether you’re running an e-commerce site, a business portfolio, or a blog, JavaScript plays a crucial role in creating a memorable user experience. In this post, we’ll explore how JavaScript can be used effectively in web

New Mobile SIte

Head on over to livewiregeeks on your mobile device It’s our new mobile site based on Chalis iwebapp – a powerful framework that works well across the board. Livewire mobile has everything our main website has but is built for mobile devices. A custom redirect script detects whether a

Ethics honesty and integrity words on signpost

Honesty & Integrity in Business: The Foundation of Long-Term Success

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly competing for attention, customers, and growth. Some companies take shortcuts, making promises they can’t keep, or worse, engaging in dishonest behavior that prioritizes profit over integrity. At Livewire, we believe that honesty, transparency, and strong core values are the key

How important is color in web design?

Color is an extremely important aspect of web design. It can have a significant impact on the user’s perception of a website, its brand identity, and the overall user experience. Here are some reasons why color is important in web design: Branding: Colors can be used to create