Hey, Look What We Did…

Our programmers are the best in the business. We just finished a great new project at referralfeelawyers.com.

gainesville website design

This service connects lawyers with lawyers that pay referral fees for, you guessed it, referrals. The website features custom attorney profiles, administrative control over practice areas and geographical data….all kinds of neat things really. Admins can view stats about who has registered, subscriptions and who is contacting who. A quick and easy checkout process allows attorneys who sign up to be listed on the website to upgrade or add subscriptions with little effort.


WordPress: Capturing Post Author Meta

An easy one here from your local Gainesville Web Designer: How to retreive the author information from a post in the WordPress loop. This assumes you’re in the loop, of course. $meta_field= get_the_author_meta( ‘your_meta’ );   Badda-bing badda-boom. You’re done. It really is that simple. Just use get_the_author_meta,

Understanding Value

At Livewire, we definitely understand what value means. As primarily a B2B driven business we know that value goes beyond a ROI, although that is incredibly important. A proper return on investment is the measuring stick by which most business owners value our services, and that is totally

New Projects

We’re excited to have new projects coming in on a regular basis. On the menu for the next few weeks are some great opportunities to expand our portfolio and our reach. Lake Butler is electing a new Sheriff soon and we’ll be creating one of the candidate’s websites.

Matt Birk has a new website

This is responsive website with layout originally conceived by HTML5. Clean and simple, it is just what the doctor, er, lawyer ordered. Matt needed something up quick, but didn’t have to sacrifice quality. WIthin 2 days we had a simple design up that he can be proud of.

Fraternity Management Has a New Website

Fraternity management needed something up quickly and something that was affordable. Glad to know that they chose us as their Gainesville Web Design team.  Additional to the website they requested a simple program that managed their payment modules. As experienced PHP developers, we were able to quickly put

Page Speed Insights

The importance of page load speeds for website performance cannot be emphasized in the current digital environment. A website’s loading speed can make or break its success in today’s fast-paced world when people expect rapid access to information and flawless online experiences. The following are some major justifications