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Local Search Listing Management on Google

Building a strong customer base in your local community has always been one of the most significant components in the success of a business. With over 50% of Google searches completed on mobile devices, it’s more important than ever that on-the-go users can locate your business fast through local internet search. Whether you are a tiny pizza restaurant or a high-end consulting firm, being easily found on search engines is a critical component of your overall SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

We approach your local SEO strategy in the same way we do all SEO, beginning with an examination of your organic web presence and how it may be enhanced. The term “organic search presence” refers to how your website appears on search result pages without the use of an ad or premium placement. Because your rankings will not drop if you stop paying for services, organic results are more valuable. Customers are much more inclined to click on the first few organic results rather than paid listings.

Livewire provides listing management solutions that supply your business details to the most important online directories. Consistently updating this material with proper information is critical to elevating your listing on search result pages and attracting local customers.

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