Preloading Images with Jquery

There are times when preloading images is an important step in keeping your site/page/program running smoothly. This is especially true in the era of mobile.

Here’s a cute little snippet that does just that.

function preload(yourarrayOfImages) {
        $('<img/>')[0].src = this;



What makes your website attractive to google?

What makes your website attractive to google? In 2013, Google released Search Quality Evaluation Guidelines to provide transparency in how google rates websites. The main goal of Google’s Search Quality Ratings is to provide results that represent and are beneficial to a specific user and their locale. This

Another Mouse Burned

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SEO is No Big Secret

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New Website for NWSF!

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Review: Google Chrome – StayFocusd ★★★★★

We. Love. This. Chrome extension. Warning: It’s brutal. Stayfocusd is essentially a task manager, not as in manage what task is next, but keeps you focused on your tasks at hand. It blocks websites that waste your time and keep you distracted through a time limit feature. You