Project Gutenburg

Every heard of it? If not, make sure to check it out. They have tons of books online, free for anybody.

Our favorite?

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain

Got a smartphone? Just download a free e-reader and you’re all set. Download the epub version for most e-readers.

Leverage Browser Caching

When a webpage loads on your screen there are a lot of little pieces that have come together to create what you’re seeing. Your logo, other images, style sheets, javascript files are among some of the external resources a webpage might use to render itself on your screen.

Sullivan Welding Has A New Website

Sullivan welding does excellent custom welding and fabrication. Willum is the owner and manages a crew of expert custom welders. He came to Livewire looking for the best in Gainesville Web Design and we were able to set him up in a great new website in just a

2 Great Marketing Funnel Tools

Using Outbase for Target Market Research With Outbase’s multitude of capabilities, you can gain a deeper knowledge of your sales performance and identify areas for improvement. Outbase is a prospecting platform that streamlines the top funnel challenges experienced by business-to-business organizations. Thanks to a large dataset covering numerous

The Flour Pot Bakery has a new website.

NEW!! Sally is one of a kind and so is her business. She really takes the time to put out a quality product and we wanted to give her that same high quality standard with her website that she is used to. FPB has some fantastic bread –

New Beginnings: Mcgriff WIlliams Insurance

New clients start today: Mcgriff Williams Insurance has decided to start a new campaign for online insurance quotes. We’ll be providing a key marketing role with their new website: They have the very latest in online quotes and are attempting to break into a heavily saturated market

Add YARPP to Custom Post Types: WordPress

A great little plugin for adding related posts to your blog has been around for a while: YARPP, Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. It’s fairly robust, for being free, but it does not natively support custom post types – a bummer. A quick way around this is to