Search Engine Optimization

More important than ever and we’re at the leading edge.

One of our best success stories is Rose Petals Nursery. We’ve been doing optimization for them for some time now with some great results. We’re dominating from top to bottom.

Just check out this high level, competitive keyword: Old Garden Roses. Where we site comfortably at #2

search engine optimization

Hey, Look What We Did…

Our programmers are the best in the business. We just finished a great new project at This service connects lawyers with lawyers that pay referral fees for, you guessed it, referrals. The website features custom attorney profiles, administrative control over practice areas and geographical data….all kinds of

Why are most government websites so terrible?

The recent debacle with the Affordable Care Act has made headlines but those of us in the development world are just seeing more of the same old thing. Government websites stink! Why is that? I can assure you that their cost structure is very similar to the outrageous

How To Win Visitors And Influence Traffic

Is there anything more of a turn-off than a untrustworthy website? Not in our world. Increasing the trust in your website is key to making conversions (calls, emails…. sales … you know, money). There are a number of factors determining the level of trust on your website. Here’s

Submit A Sitemap … To Bing?

Indeed. For some reason, Bing still exists. And since it does you’ll need to submit your sitemap so your business will show up in the results of a person who searches from the unwanted automatically installed Bing bar on their browser. They’re so lovely, forcing it on you

Client Spotlight: Pye Law

Tom Pye is a heck of a guy. Dedicated to his clients and serious about his business. He chose Livewire, the best Gainesville web design team in the businesses to create and promote his online presence. We remade his website and optimized it to the hilt. In just