The Best of HTML 5

Thank Goodness HTML 5 is finally here and it’s everything we expected it to be and more! Out of the many new features with the code standards comes with it many new and exiting programs to facilitate the production of HTML 5 websites. One great new tool is called Modernizer. This is a javascript library that enables you to make browser specific alterations to your website.

html 5 tools modernizer

The program detects the users browser and makes changes according to the settings you choose for your website  One of the biggest problems with web design and development is making a website look the same on every browser. It sounds simply, but it is far from it. Web Browsers differ greatly on the way they present code – Internet Explorer is the biggest culprit – even different versions of IE display web content differently. Nice, huh? Why not make everything work like everything else? Who knows, but it’s the way it is.

Modernizer helps take care of this issue by letting you tweak the settings and content for individual browsers instead of trying to ‘hack’ your website into submission.


Insurency SEO

Glad to have Insurency on board with the Livewire team. We did not make their website but we’ll be doing their Internet marketing. We have a great plan for them and will be proud to be competing alongside huge names like Geico and Progressive. It’s quite the challenge

What’s Worse?

What’s worse than these dang North Florida love bugs? Having a poor website, for one. A website should be like the dream employee . It should never call in sick, treat your customers properly and get them the information and the attention the require each and every time.

Code School: Woo Shipping Per Product Count Script

Here’s a little snippet that has been useful for woocommerce development. This regulates shipping charges from a simple fee based system to a fee per quantity output. We modified this to allow for a couple of different shipping charge options based on quantity – first by three’s and

Authority + Trust + Relevance = Rankings

Here you go – the magic formula for ranking on Google. Yes, Yahoo and Bing still matter … even though the third most searched term on Bing is “Google”  – people trying to get back to Google, but they’re still relevant. It’s just easier to focus on Google

Photography Services

At Livewire we have not had photography services in the past, leaving it up to clients to procure their own services for website pictures. Over time, this has become an inconvenience. Mainly, waiting for images holds up the design process. We are so glad we found Kimber Greenwood