What’s Worse?

What’s worse than these dang North Florida love bugs?

Having a poor website, for one. A website should be like the dream employee . It should never call in sick, treat your customers properly and get them the information and the attention the require each and every time.

What’s worse than 97 degrees and 90% humidity in August?

Not being on page one on Google. We can put your website front and center on all the major search engines. Our custom SEO packages ensure that your website is visible and the traffic keeps growing. Optimization is playing the long game, that’s true. But the organic, natural process ensures that you have staying power and you’re not just the latest Google flavor of the month. Your online presence continues to grow each and every month.

What’s worse than popping onto I-75 and immediately getting stuck in a traffic jam?

Having a web company that doesn’t give you the attention and support your business needs. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible customer experience. We don’t try to upsell you or have any hidden agendas. Our answers are prompt, and honest. We don’t give you things you don’t need just to make a quick extra few bucks – livewire is fully dedicated to achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction.

What’s worse than Newberry road at 5:30?

Forgetting our number


Good one on Sitelinks

Sitelinks also factor into your ad rank, and can influence the position of your ad on search page. Ad Rank previously took into account your max cost-per-click (CPC) and quality score, and now ad extensions and formats are another component of the calculation. Seems like a no-brainer to implement,

You get 15 seconds! Web Design Trends for 2016

Mobile is in and users are becoming increasingly impatient. In 2014, 55% of users spent less than 15 seconds on a webpage according to data by Tony Haile of Chartbeat.  This means you only have 15 seconds to capture a users attention and convert a visitor to a customer.

Javascript called by PHP

Interesting little snippet. What is going on here? Livewire gives you the low down.    if($num_rowvs == 0){ echo ‘<script>// <![CDATA[ alert(“This is an alert message. I’m alerting you that you are totally awesome!”); // ]]></script>’; }   First, we’re creating a simple if statement in PHP.  Not entirely

web design north carolina

B2B Social Marketing

Social media marketing is usually not as important for business-to-business (B2B) businesses because most of their customers find them through word-of-mouth or a lot of online searching. Many B2Bs are also in ‘dry’ or serious businesses that don’t work well with pictures. But a social media marketing plan

Woocommerce Products Per Page

Interestingly Woocommerce does not seem to have a default setting for ‘products per page’. Unsurprisingly, there’s a simple workaround. Add to your functions.php Replace “28” with whatever number you want. add_filter( ‘loop_shop_per_page’, create_function( ‘$cols’, ‘return 28;’ ), 20 );

Some Homepage Best Practices

Building an effective website begins with a well-designed home page. Because it’s the first thing people see, the homepage must make a nice impression while also pointing the user in the right direction. If you want your homepage to be successful, you should follow these guidelines. Make sure