Florida Investigators Site is Live

Site is up and running. New responsive layout. Oh, so slick.

They’re happy, we’re happy … everybody happy


Product Variations – WordPress Plugins

So this is a nice little plugin – an add-on to Woocommerce called Smart Variation Images. The extension allows  you to set different images to each product variation. This is handy to display different style types to the user as they browse through your product variation choices. Each time they

Moving Your Website To A New Host

Sometimes it’s easy, most of the time it is not. What a headache! If you’ve moved hosts and domains several times you’re probably an old hand at it; if not, you’re in trouble. You’ll probably need the assistance of someone that has some experience in this area. Choosing

Small Business Sees A Rise In Cyber Threats

Come on, let’s all live in the real world: we’re all vulnerable. Really the only chance you have these days is to make it as difficult as possible for any potential hacker to get to your valuable data. First and foremost this means protecting your data in transit.

Why Website Speed Matters More Than Ever in 2024

In today’s fast-paced digital world, website speed is crucial. Users expect instant access to information, and a slow website can significantly impact your business. Here’s why website speed matters more than ever in 2024 and how you can improve it. The Importance of Website Speed User Experience When

Understanding Image Optimization

Image optimization is complicated and a multi-tiered process that takes months of study and practice. Just kidding. It’s easy. First, make sure you’re images aren’t huge. Most digital devices take pictures in high resolutions and most stock photos come that way. Always size your images to the exact

Don’t Think Page Load Times Matter? Think Again.

A recent study by Google really hit home for online retailers or anyone looking to make a sale/conversion online. As Forbes points out: “53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.” Google’s recommendations usually hover around one to one