JW Freeman Plumbing Has A New Website

JW Freeman plumbing is a new client with lots of potential. He needs something that will put him on top and Livewire is that something. We have tons of experience and dozens of happy clients that proves we have the formula for success. We don’t keep it a secret either. We are upfront about how easy this work is and the time it takes, that’s also why we’re more affordable than many of our competitors. We don’t look at our clients like walking piggy banks. They’re real people, with families, making a living. Our service costs are on par with the amount of work it takes to put into each project.

We’ve already created a new site for JW and have him in our system and on track to great online success!

And while on our SEO plan, he’ll receive updates and site upgrades for free.

WordPress: Capturing Post Author Meta

An easy one here from your local Gainesville Web Designer: How to retreive the author information from a post in the WordPress loop. This assumes you’re in the loop, of course. $meta_field= get_the_author_meta( ‘your_meta’ );   Badda-bing badda-boom. You’re done. It really is that simple. Just use get_the_author_meta,

Updating WordPress Database After Website Move

Boy life sure would be easy if WordPress used relative URL’s throughout the menu and post content but that simply isn’t going to happen, they’ve made that clear. Changing the URL in the admin Settings would then be all you need to do, making moving installations a breeze.

Starter Websites are Cheap

We’re offering ‘starter’ websites for as little as $175 in the coming months. This will get you everything you need, including shopping cart, to start selling online. Our targets are small, home based businesses. We understand that they don’t have a lot of capital to invest in a

New Mobile SIte

Head on over to livewiregeeks on your mobile device It’s our new mobile site based on Chalis iwebapp – a powerful framework that works well across the board. Livewire mobile has everything our main website has but is built for mobile devices. A custom redirect script detects whether a

Don’t Get Smacked by Copyright Infringemnt

Developers do it all the time – they need an image for a website and head on over to Google images, put a keyword in and voila! Free pictures for everyone! Not so fast. Many of these images are protected under copyright law and if you get caught,

african american man using computer

How to Reset the SMC on Your Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Reset the SMC on Your Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide If your Mac is acting up—battery issues, overheating, or problems with sleep mode—it may be time to reset the System Management Controller (SMC). The SMC controls essential hardware functions like power management, battery charging, and thermal regulation.