New Website for NWSF!

Northwest Seafood got hacked unfortunately. Being previous clients of ours we came to the rescue. The site was damaged beyond repair so our team of Gainesville Web Design experts took hold and gave them a brand new website in a matter of days.

We always support our clients in their hour of need. That’s what separates us from the Gainesville web design competition – dedication and followthrough.

Check them out at!

Jquery Simple Fadeout

A cute little snippet to show a simple green bar upon a successful edit. <?php if(isset($_GET[‘edit’])){ ?> <div id=’notifyy’> Edited Successfully </div>     <script type=”text/javascript”>     $( ‘#notifyy’ ).show(function(){     $(this).fadeOut(5000);     });     </script> <?php } ?> The CSS: #notifyy{width:100%;background:#2f5001;padding:4px 15px;color:#fff;} Always,

Sullivan Welding Has A New Website

Sullivan welding does excellent custom welding and fabrication. Willum is the owner and manages a crew of expert custom welders. He came to Livewire looking for the best in Gainesville Web Design and we were able to set him up in a great new website in just a

Phase 2 of Little Diamond Models is Complete

Phew! It took about 4 months of hard work but we finally finished phase 2 of one of our favorite client’s websites: Little Diamond Models. This is a huge website with a ton of great features. We started this project not even a year ago and it already


Back in the day a simple website could get away with an on-page sitemap. Just a simple list of pages somewhere on the site. Not so much anymore. Sitemaps – at least the ones we intend for search engines to look at – are all internal. We use

What’s New: Livewire Seminars

Want to become your own SEO specialist? Need to know how to put your site on page 1 but don’t have the capital to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars in optimization? We can help! Our Search Engine Optimization Seminars will teach you how to become your own