What’s New For 2015

Really, we’re not all that sure. We’ll go where the winds blow us but we do have some exciting projects to start out the year right. January will be a big month for us here at Livewire and we hope it only goes up from there. We’re glad to be partnering with some excellent organizations and building lasting relationships with our clients, co-workers and peers.

We don’t have any plans for the website at the moment other than possibly a blog redesign. We’re happy with our look and look to add to the portfolio as often as we can. Keep checking back to the blog for the latest in tips, industry news and what’s going on with us – we know we’re that exciting.

Interested to see what new social media is coming out in 2015 and what will happen on back to the future day in October – will we all be sick of it? are we already?

As our family at home grows in 2015, so will our network of happy clients. We look forward to growing with you!

Better Than Notepad: Notepad ++

We love this little program. It’s a replacement for Notepad called Notepad++. It’s like notepad on steroids. Lots of  new, useful functions – essentially, everything Microsoft neglected to put into their product,; open source, once again, has provided a better alternative. Easy find/replace functions, even in files so

Database Projects

We are database junkies. Simply put, you can’t beet the flexibility and scalability that databases offer us in the web design world. We prefer using MySQL which is the most common database for web projects. It integrates with PHP perfectly and together there is simply nothing more powerful.

The Greatest Watch In The History Of Mankind

Well, this has little … really nothing … to do with website design or SEO but we would like to take a moment to recognize the greatest wood watch in the entire world. This thing is decked out. Sleek, modern and unique. It slides on like a Gregory

Don’t Get Smacked by Copyright Infringemnt

Developers do it all the time – they need an image for a website and head on over to Google images, put a keyword in and voila! Free pictures for everyone! Not so fast. Many of these images are protected under copyright law and if you get caught,

Jquery Simple Fadeout

A cute little snippet to show a simple green bar upon a successful edit. <?php if(isset($_GET[‘edit’])){ ?> <div id=’notifyy’> Edited Successfully </div>     <script type=”text/javascript”>     $( ‘#notifyy’ ).show(function(){     $(this).fadeOut(5000);     });     </script> <?php } ?> The CSS: #notifyy{width:100%;background:#2f5001;padding:4px 15px;color:#fff;} Always,

Google Removing Anonymous Reviews

So it appears, as far as Search Engine Journal is reporting, that Google is removing anonymous reviews. And, honestly, why wouldn’t they? If you’re going to write a review you should have the guts to state your first name … or take the time to create a fake