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Guardian Association Management Has A New Website

Pleased to introduce the new Guardian Association Management website. This is a clean minimalistic layout that funnels users directly into services and payments pages.

Gainesville GAM came to us needing something up in a timely manner, clean, modern, and looked great on mobile. We were happy to oblige. In just a few short weeks we had them online and ready to deal with the new multilayered web design world. Mobile being of prime importance, we created a fully responsive site that is also search engine friendly (fully optimized). As top Gainesville Web Designers, all of our websites come this way, no matter what the size. Mobile is more important on the web these days then just about anything else. One needs to look no further that to Google’s recent moves dropping website rankings for those websites that are not mobile friendly.


New Mobile SIte

Head on over to livewiregeeks on your mobile device It’s our new mobile site based on Chalis iwebapp – a powerful framework that works well across the board. Livewire mobile has everything our main website has but is built for mobile devices. A custom redirect script detects whether a

Updating WordPress Database After Website Move

Boy life sure would be easy if WordPress used relative URL’s throughout the menu and post content but that simply isn’t going to happen, they’ve made that clear. Changing the URL in the admin Settings would then be all you need to do, making moving installations a breeze.

New Projects

We’re excited to have new projects coming in on a regular basis. On the menu for the next few weeks are some great opportunities to expand our portfolio and our reach. Lake Butler is electing a new Sheriff soon and we’ll be creating one of the candidate’s websites.

New apps coming down the pipe

We have 6 new apps coming out over the next few months. Very excited to roll these out – unfortunately we can’t give you too many details but we have a couple apps geared toward attorneys and the legal industry, one that deals with product shipping and another

WordPress: Capturing Post Author Meta

An easy one here from your local Gainesville Web Designer: How to retreive the author information from a post in the WordPress loop. This assumes you’re in the loop, of course. $meta_field= get_the_author_meta( ‘your_meta’ );   Badda-bing badda-boom. You’re done. It really is that simple. Just use get_the_author_meta,


Whether you are a Freelancer or a small business owner, you know the importance of an accurate project management, here are 3 of the best project management tools that can help you achieve your goals. 1.- Teamwork Projects Teamwork Projects is a cloud-based project management solution it allows you