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Haile’s Angels Pet Rescue has a New Website

Customized WP theme – a great choice for a great organization. Haile’s Angels continues to do some great work in our community focusing on our four legged friends. They take in a good number of pets each month and try to find them forever homes. As a no-kill shelter, some dogs and cats spend a lot of time there but HAPR is committed to them and their well being.

Haile’s Angels Pet Rescue is a not-for-profit organization that helps unwanted animals find forever homes. Our goal is to stop adoptable animals from being euthanized. We want to adopt as many animals as possible into loving and caring homes in which these animals will become lifelong family members.

Livewire will be donating some of our time each month for website updating, pet of the week posts, adding events and even facebook management to help them along. We’re proud and happy to do it. They really are a wonderful organization and everyone at Livewire is thrilled to be a part of it.

Hailes Angels Pet Rescue

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