Jquery XML Shopping Cart


We’ve built all kinds of shopping carts – many from the ground up. Experienced with all the third party vendors – zencart, opencart, xcart, etc… we know that clients need something completely customized sometimes. Many shopping carts are simply to complicated for some clients to use – also a case where a customized shopping cart is useful. Our easy professional administration systems make controlling your estore a breeze.

On top of that, we’ve been looking into a simple jquery xml shopping cart. We’ve attached a database to the script so that a user can control products and information from inside a custom admin area. This makes it a powerful, easy solution for clients that don’t need a lot of fuss. Everything is handled through Paypal so all your order taking is already done for you – plus you can print shipping labels from inside your paypal account, which makes things much more simple than integrating a shipping xml module.

For clients with a static product list, no database is required. All you need to do is fill out the XML file once with your products and voila!, you’re done. Really, it’s that easy. We’ll fill out a few configuration items and you can start selling that same day. There’s no need to be locked into some monthly subscription service or pay hundreds of dollars for a third party cart that has dozens of features you don’t need and will never use.

Simple, effective, affordable. A Livewire solution for projects of any size and scope.

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