Understanding Value

At Livewire, we definitely understand what value means. As primarily a B2B driven business we know that value goes beyond a ROI, although that is incredibly important. A proper return on investment is the measuring stick by which most business owners value our services, and that is totally fine with us. We always knock it out of the park with some clients seeing ROI as high as 1500%. that’s good bottom line right there…

But some of the things we do cannot be measured in dollars and cents. It certainly all ends up that way, as do most business subjects, but assigning a dollar value is not necessary, or possible. For instance, can you measure how much our fast support response time saves you? – maybe in units of “mine ease” perhaps, but it’s hard to quantify. How can you measure in, dollars and cents, how good you feel knowing you have a great website and a dedicated webmaster that is always available? Can you measure how much our commitment to staying on top of the latest trends returns to your business?

Value is much more to us than a price tag. We bring value to our clients in a number of ways – the end result is always the highest level of satisfaction and a great ROI. Rest easy, we have you covered.

What we’ve been up to lately

Here’s what’s been going on at Livewire in the last few weeks – because, well, why not? It’s a blog ,isn’t it? Finishing up the LDM iphone app – which has been a big project that has presented us with some unique challenges. The Android version is likely

Better Than Notepad: Notepad ++

We love this little program. It’s a replacement for Notepad called Notepad++. It’s like notepad on steroids. Lots of  new, useful functions – essentially, everything Microsoft neglected to put into their product,; open source, once again, has provided a better alternative. Easy find/replace functions, even in files so

Photography Services

At Livewire we have not had photography services in the past, leaving it up to clients to procure their own services for website pictures. Over time, this has become an inconvenience. Mainly, waiting for images holds up the design process. We are so glad we found Kimber Greenwood

The Low Down on Net Neutrality

What they heck is it? Most people don’t know it past the slogan .. and that’s what it is, a slogan. Net neutrality does not mean ‘left alone”, there’s nothing laissez faire about it. It does mean oversight, more oversight of the Internet than currently exists. The advocating