The Amazon Dams Network

Proud to present the first online version of the Amazon Dams Network. This has been a project Livewire has been working on for several months with the University of Florida and other members from around the world. This has been a very exciting project and we are pleased to be able to put it online.

Still a lot of work to do but we are able to start getting useful user feedback to make the web portal a great resource for all the coordinators, members, organizations and participants.

The portal allows members to add publications, reports, map data and a host of other information pertaining to their work on the effects of hydroelectric power in the Amazonian rain forest. With such an awesome team, we are certain they will do important things.


Lots of new fun with CSS3. CSS makes styling web pages a snap. Now CSS3, the third “version”,  allows for incredibly robust styling possible. For instance, background gradients are a breeze when before developers had to create them as images or use CSS ‘hacks’ to accomplish those goals.

Answerhub versus WordPress

Recently we worked on a project with intent to use AnswerHub as the primary vehicle for user interaction. After spending some time in AnswerHub’s admin we discovered that they don’t provide anything that you cannot accomplish with easy under the WordPress hood. While AH supplies you with a

Why is WordPress our Go-To CMS?

Easy. It’s easy. Easy to use, operate and teach. We have dealt with virtually every blogging and Content Management Software out there, in existence, forever. Seen them all. Virtually all of them have their individual issues, yes, even WordPress. But few are as intuitive and easy to learn.

Web Marketing Staff Training

How easy is it for one to do their own SEO? Difficulty level: 5 out of 10 If you know how to use a computer and can spare 3-5 hours per week then it is perfectly reasonable to expect you can do your own SEO and save hundreds

Review: WordPress Business Directory ★ ★ ★

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TNT Graphics Needed us Badly

Essy over at TNT Graphics stopped by and requested some changes to his website. He just needed an overhaul of his design and some programming changes to the way the shopping cart operated. Since we can do both web design and custom programming, he came to the right