Leverage Browser Caching

When a webpage loads on your screen there are a lot of little pieces that have come together to create what you’re seeing. Your logo, other images, style sheets, javascript files are among some of the external resources

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Pretty Awesome Image Packages

Nowadays, it’s just best to buy your images. As Gainesville Web Design experts, we purchase them almost on a daily basis. There are always projects that require different photos, icons or footage. Generally people purchase credits and then

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How To Survive A Good Google Dinging

This is a great demonstration of what can happen with unnatural linking schemes and getting hosed by using link farms. This company did some black-hat SEO and it came back to bite them. Luckily the article shows that it

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Eat More Protien

Meat in your website diet is needed – you’re probably in optimization atrophy … What is meat for your website? Content. Your site need fresh content added to it on a regular basis. Good content. Compelling content. But most

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Web Marketing Staff Training

How easy is it for one to do their own SEO? Difficulty level: 5 out of 10 If you know how to use a computer and can spare 3-5 hours per week then it is perfectly reasonable to

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Linking Your G+ Page To Your Website

We always get asked: Does anyone use G+? Yes. Is it worth it? Again, Yes. Using Google’s products would obviously help your standing with their search algorithm. We don’t know this to be technically true but it certainly

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JW Freeman Plumbing Has A New Website

JW Freeman plumbing is a new client with lots of potential. He needs something that will put him on top and Livewire is that something. We have tons of experience and dozens of happy clients that proves we

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Lawn Enforcement Agency Has A New Website

Lawn Enforcement came to us in need of some SEO advice. They were paying another company several hundred dollars per month and getting nowhere. We noted that there were many, many site structural problems with their current design

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Understanding Image Optimization

Image optimization is complicated and a multi-tiered process that takes months of study and practice. Just kidding. It’s easy. First, make sure you’re images aren’t huge. Most digital devices take pictures in high resolutions and most stock photos

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Why is WordPress our Go-To CMS?

Easy. It’s easy. Easy to use, operate and teach. We have dealt with virtually every blogging and Content Management Software out there, in existence, forever. Seen them all. Virtually all of them have their individual issues, yes, even

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Theo Has A New Website

Theo’s Lawn Maintenance worked out a sweet deal with Livewire and we’ve been helping them do some of the SEO and web work Their old design was working fine but needed just a little pizazz and a contact

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Maintaining Correct Site Structure

One of the biggest holes in a client’s SEO (pre livewire SEO, that is) is almost always the site structure. So many SEO companies focus on content and backlinks that quality code is often overlooked. There are many

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Maintaining The Correct Keyword Density

Keyword density, by definition, is the number of times, expressed in a percentage, that a particular keyphrase or keyword appears in a body of text. So if your keyword appears 4 times and the number of words on

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Extend Your iPhone or iPad Battery Life

A common problem in todays world – batteries haven’t really kept up with the rest of the tech world and are absolutely the weak link in virtually any modern day tech pack. Things have gotten better over the

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Are You Using Linkedin Like You Should?

Probably not. Linkedin is a valuable resource for any professional, but particularly freelancers and business owners. There is a lot to love about the social media construct, and a lot to hate; but no matter what side of the

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Getting Accurate Shipping Rates

If you own an ecommerce store and provide real time shipping rates you have likely encountered a long list of issues with returning accurate rates. If you have not, Bravo good sir or madam! You are the exception.

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Netgear Routers Are Terrible

Why did we purchase this product for our office? What a mistake. Range on this router is about 4 feet before the signal drops off significantly. Speeds are sketchy and we experienced significant slowdown periods throughout the day. Connections

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Better Than Notepad: Notepad ++

We love this little program. It’s a replacement for Notepad called Notepad++. It’s like notepad on steroids. Lots of  new, useful functions – essentially, everything Microsoft neglected to put into their product,; open source, once again, has provided

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Conversion Optimization

So many people have a myopic outlook on SEO and SEM. They tend to focus on optimization as strawberry field, where you can just pick a little fruit from here or there and fill up your basket. Not

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Moving Your Website To A New Host

Sometimes it’s easy, most of the time it is not. What a headache! If you’ve moved hosts and domains several times you’re probably an old hand at it; if not, you’re in trouble. You’ll probably need the assistance

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Javascript called by PHP

Interesting little snippet. What is going on here? Livewire gives you the low down.    if($num_rowvs == 0){ echo ‘<script>// <![CDATA[ alert(“This is an alert message. I’m alerting you that you are totally awesome!”); // ]]></script>’; }  

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Is PPC Advertising Worth It?

The answer is: it depends. In our experience it really comes down to your industry, your ad’s effectiveness and … dum de dum dum … money. First, your industry should be visible online in the first place. Holly’s

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The Low Down on Net Neutrality

What they heck is it? Most people don’t know it past the slogan .. and that’s what it is, a slogan. Net neutrality does not mean ‘left alone”, there’s nothing laissez faire about it. It does mean oversight,

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Fraternity Management Has a New Website

Fraternity management needed something up quickly and something that was affordable. Glad to know that they chose us as their Gainesville Web Design team.  Additional to the website they requested a simple program that managed their payment modules.

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Review: PHP Live Chat ★★★★

4 Stars for this chat system from GNTStudio. It’s quite useful and very easy to install. We’re actually planning to use it on our own website we like it so much. They lose one star because we had

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SEO is No Big Secret

Really, SEO is not some big secret. Some companies try to pretend it is but you don’t have to be an expert to manage your own SEO. What do you think search engines like Google want? Well, they

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To Gimp or Not To Gimp

In the world of photo editing, adobe photoshop is king. They really do have an amazing product. It’s sleek, works great, and is very robust sporting dozens and dozens of functions and endless possibilities for the graphic artist.

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Review: WordPress Business Directory ★ ★ ★

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_button title=”Where it’s at” target=”_blank” color=”btn-inverse” icon=”wpb_arrow” size=”wpb_regularsize” href=”http://codecanyon.net/item/wp-business-directory/2203258″][vc_column_text] ★ ★ ★ Features V1.8 Premium Membership (Paypal) Location Based Search Internationalization CSV Import with auto map location finder[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text] 3 Stars out of 5 This is a

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Bed Bug Guru Has a New Website

New website up and running. This turned out to be a rush job so it is actually a work in progress. Their business is opening in a few days and they needed something up quickly that was still

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Firefox is dead to me

That happened a long time back. Now it seems that the once beloved browser is now in the same situation with the majority of its former users. I personally feel that the browser lost its roots in version

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